ATTENTION: I concluded my beekeeping journey in August 2013. For various reasons, I stopped blogging shortly after arriving in India and never resumed.

Updating this blog to reflect the completion of my research - and to convey its outcomes to those who are interested - is an ongoing process, so check back periodically if you are looking for additional info on beekeeping in India, Russia, or Germany. Even better, subscribe to this blog by e-mail (at the bottom of the page) and new posts will be sent directly to your inbox as I complete them. Thanks for visiting.

- Dillon Blankenship, 20 February, 2018.

15 July, 2012

A detour for sure

Hello Friends... Alicia here Dillon's girlfriend for those of you who do not know me.  Yesterday/last night at some point there was an explosion on Dillon's ship.  HOWEVER he is SAFE I heard from him this morning and he is on another ship on his way to England.  I am sure he will update everyone as soon as he reaches land.  He made it out with his passport and his important documents. Dillon just wanted everyone to know he was safe and that there is no need to worry. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers and if I hear anything new I will let everyone know.


  1. WHAT? Thanks Alicia for the update. Glad you're ok Dillon. Hopefully you just blew all your bad luck from the git-go. Safer travels.

  2. Thanks so much, Alicia! That's really scary and we're glad to know he's safe. Please keep us posted!
